I'm Dr. Alok Patel

I’m a pediatrician – public health is my bedrock. I love telling stories, running my mouth, and trying to share my experiences by any colorful means.

From hanging out with locals in Huancayo, Peru, to bonding with my little patients to checking out street art in Brooklyn, I’m starting to see that culture = everything = medicine.

My Mission

I consider all public health issues, from polio eradication to fluoridated water to car seats, and I ask myself a simple question:

How can I get the average person excited?

So I look at the entertainment industry. Humor, controversy, solid visuals, and relevance keep celebrity gossip on hit lists. Why can’t we employ the same techniques in medicine? I’m far from an expert in well…anything…but in the new age of digital media, I’m willing to try it all, start a movement, be radical and help everyone see that, when it comes to flash, medicine > pop-culture.

Skills? Traits?

Public Speaking
Culinary Skills
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